Tatianna Slone

Tatianna Slone, Nature Enthusiast, Music Lover, Poi Slinger, Optimist, Friend, Mother and Lover; Prestonsburg, Ky

"I let things flow and try not to push things too hard. If it's meant to be it will happen. If not, it wasn't."

"These mountains are tough to grow up in. You can see them as a burden or a blessing. It's all about your perspective and who you surround yourself with. Coming to the Russell fork river was definitely a blessing. I found myself and my river family. It's also where I found love, kindness, connectivity to nature, and a strong will to help make this place even better. I've lived in Knoxville, Tennessee and Asheville, North Carolina and of course they're amazing places but I can't stand the thought of raising my child anywhere but here. Being a mother is something I've felt for years so I'm excited to watch my little boy grow up and be surrounded by such amazing people and beautiful area."

Photograph/Interview by Tessa Colley, Haysi, Virginia.